Yogiraj Siddhanath has consecrated the fabled Philosopher’s Gem, alchemical mercury Shivaling at the Earth Peace Temple, Siddhanath Forest Ashram. The Shivling weighing 1.25 tons, is the largest ever akhand (complete and non layered) power vortex made of solid state mercury, this Mercury Shivaling represents ShivaGoraksha Babaji symbol of Lord Shiva himself.
The Earth Peace Temple at the Siddhanath Forest Ashram at Sinhagad near Pune, Maharashtra there is a unique alchemical Mercury Shivalinga or Shiva Lingam installed in the temple. The linga is made of solidified mercury (PARAS MANI) and is possibly the largest akhand Shivalingam.
Shivalinga can be termed the elusive philosopher’s stone and has a distinctive spherical shape,' Yogiraj Siddhanath said…. the science of mercury solidification, a technique that Europe and Arabia so dearly wanted but could not comprehend, has been known to India for 7,000 years, since the time of the Indo-Saraswati civilisation.
Mercury, when solidified, sheds its toxic qualities and begins to exude a ‘nectarine’ effect, it assists in slowing down the ageing process. “The ingestion of such pure mercury enables a true yogi to obtain a sanjeevan deh ( an immaculate body )– free from the ravages of time. It also helps in stabilizing the mind and attaining a state of peaceful calm,’ he said. The purification of mercury from its fluid to a solid state has 16 phases.
Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath says that the unique Shivalinga is a symbol for earth peace. The Shivalinga weighs over a tonne and is around 30 inches in height. Yogiraj Siddhanath indicates that the Earth Peace Temple Shivalinga is possibly the largest known unbroken Shivalinga – akhand Shivalinga, transmitting 22 Samskars. Mercury when purified and brought to a solid state is called the ‘PHILOSOPHERS STONE’ or PARAS MANI (Mercury Gem).
Yogiraj Siddhanath with the Alchemical Mercury Shivaling at the Paradishwar Mandir in the Siddhanath Forest Ashram
The making of the alchemical Shivalinga is one of the main features, and the legacy left behind by the immortal Goraksha Nath. Its main purposes are:
1. Transformation of sexual into spiritual energy
2. Separating the astral from the physical body
3. Awakening the Kundalini
4. Used in Yoga Vidya, it rejuvenates body cells
5. Enhancing intellect (buddhi), as Mercury (Budha) is its planet
6. In Yoga Vidya, it results in expansion of Consciousness
The mercury is considered to be the vital fluid of Shiva, and has similar such potent effects on the physical and astral body of transforming the sexual into spiritual energy, and vice versa. Silicon is considered to be the feminine clement and the unity of mercury with silicon promises conception and new life or sanjeevani, the power to raise dead cells to life, to rejuvenate body cells and thereby bring forth immortality. To reveal more than this in a book intended for the general public is not appropriate. In order to learn the deeper details of the science of immortality through Mercury, a pupil must first approach the ayurvedic schools of teaching. When done with, he must learn from the appropriate Yogic Master this highly advanced alchemical science.